Secondary Characters' is looking to expand it's volunteer database! If you would like to support SC and enjoy some time with like-minded live theatre audience members and performers, please consider joining the database. We will contact you occasionally when we are looking for help, and you are welcome to choose only events that interest you and fit with your schedule. You may withdraw at any time.

Is one of these you?

  • I’ve got the acting bug and would like to audition for a show.
  • I love making people look fabulous—let me help with costumes!
  • I have no feeling in my fingers from hot glue burns—let me build props!
  • All my clothes are covered in stains already, so I’d love to help paint.
  • Using power tools is cathartic—let me help build sets!
  • I’m glued to my phone already and would love to do social media promotion.
  • I am all about fixing it in post—let me help with graphic design!
  • I see frosting in my sleep and would like to bake for your dessert cabaret.
  • I’m not much of a builder or a maker, but I love supporting the arts—let me join the board or a committee?

We also need crew and design members throughout the year, including: stage managers, assistant stage managers, set and costume designers, props managers, lighting and sound designers, orchestra members, rehearsal pianists, dramaturgs, operators and running crew.

If you would like to sign up for our volunteer database, please fill out the form. Thanks for your support and we look forward to working with you!